Saturday, January 29, 2011

Penguins Galore!

This is a Macaroni Penguin.
We like to call them Macaroni and Cheese penguins in our class!

This week we wrapped up our penguin unit. We continued to fish in the discovery zone and build icebergs in the Construction Zone. Some friends had the idea to draw penguins by taking books from Circle Time to Literacy Lane and looking at the books for ideas.

We helped feed Emperor penguins during a small group. Our daddy Emperor penguins were staying home with their eggs and the moms were out fishing. We counted fish to feed to the daddy penguins. We practiced counting out a specified number of objects by counting out the number of fish that matched the numeral on our penguin. Then we ate the yummy fish!

Check out our pictures from this week and last!

You can enjoy a 5 Little Penguins Song in this YouTube Video.

Here is a song that teaches all about penguins!

Another Penguin Song

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