Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hits and Comments

Miss Stephanie said she is excited about all of the hits to our classroom blog! Look at the hit counter on the right and you can see how many times people view our page. You can also click on the world map and see where people are viewing our blog from. Miss Stephanie's sister is living in Africa right now, so that is who the red dot in Morocco is from, but it looks like someone in Europe is looking at our blog too! How fun!

Also, feel free to comment on the posts. If you enjoyed looking at the pictures with your family, leave us a comment and let us know!Or if you thought one picture was really funny, leave a comment and let us know that! You can post anonymously or you can create a Blogger ID and post with your name. If you post anonymously, just make sure you sign it so we know who is leaving fun comments!

Happy Blogging and stay dry on this rainy weekend!

1 comment:

Riley'sMom said...

Great blog! I loved the pictures! Glad to see others are enjoying it too. What a great spot to find lots of great info!