Monday, March 5, 2012

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Over the last few weeks, we have read many different versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have enjoyed talking about the differences and similarities between the stories. Last week while reading the story one day, we wanted to act it out. We all took turns being different characters while Miss Stephanie read the story. Then we thought it would be really fun to videotape it! We made costumes for the video and then we put them in the Pretend Play area. We have also enjoyed acting out the story during work time!

Check out the videos below to see our rendition of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We didn't rehearse or memorize lines! We just picked our parts on Friday and we told the story as we remembered it ourselves. 

(For the afternoon class-the title of the video has the initials of the children who played a part in that video.)

If you have any versions of the story at home, you can read them at home and talk about how they match up with the play we did!

Check out my deaf and hard of hearing kids acting out this story. We use signs and words together to share our stories!


Afternoon classes:



sue kwon said...

Thank you for posting it. I enjoyed watching it with Eunice.
Sue Kwon

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Stephanie.

Thank you! We absolutely loved watching Morgan play Goldilocks. It was very entertaining. I am going to pass the link to my family out west.


Jeannene Price