Friday, August 31, 2012

Important Links

Make sure to check out some important links on the "Links for Parents" section to the right. 

You can find: 
-U-46 Lunch menus to see what we will have for snack (breakfast) and/or lunch each day
-U-46 calendar
-Link to place Scholastic orders online with our class activation code (Don't forget, for every online order, you get a $5 for a free book and we get $3 for a free classroom book!)

You will also find some other great resources to browse at your leisure!

First Two Days of School

We had a FABULOUS first two days of school. It was great to see new faces and reunite with returning ones. 

Some of the things we did over the last two days:
-draw our faces
-learn about the different areas of the room
-meet our speech teacher Ms. Kate
-the M-F kids met the auditory teacher, Ms. Bridget, and counselor, Ms. Dana
-played outside on Friday

Some of the things we will do next week:
-Learn more about the different parts of the room
-Start our therapies
-make handprints and write our name and draw a picture of ourselves to save and see how it compares to the end of the year

Check out our slideshow of some pictures from the last 2 days!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back to School 2012

Welcome Back and Welcome To Independence Center for Early Learning!

I am excited to begin another school year working with you and your family as part of your child's team. I use this blog as an opportunity to share with you what happens in our classroom. I will post weekly slideshows so you can see what we are up to. You can also share the address with your family members so they can see what your child is up to in preschool! In addition to the pictures, I will often post videos of songs and stories that relate to our unit. I often also post "homework" that you can do with your child that relates to our classroom theme. This gives you a chance to talk to your child about what he/she is doing in the classroom. This is great for developing language skills and making connections.

In addition to my posts, I also have links on the right side of the page. These are great resources for you. Some are websites for kids and others are resources for parents.

I look forward to sharing your child's preschool experience with you this year!

Sometimes the slideshow doesn't appear right away. If that happens, you can hit the F5 button on your keyboard and wait a few minutes. It should appear shortly. If you experience any difficulty, let me know!

Open House is Tuesday, August 28th 3:00-5:00. 
The first day of school is Thursday, August 30th!

**You can check out the district calendar on the right under "Links for Parents"