Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Come One, Come All to the Pumpkin Ball
Independence Spirit Wear

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Cash 4 Classrooms
Go to:
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(credit cards are not accepted because the charge for running credit cards would eleminate the profit donated to the classrooms)
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I love this site because we can earn money while shopping at the places we shop at every week! Thanks for supporting our classroom!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pumpkins and Castles
At the end of this week we took a walking fieldtrip to Miss Stephanie's nearby pumpkin patch. We walked through the "jungle" path to get there and had funny discussions about the types of animals we might see. The only animals we ended up seeing were squirrels! When we got there, we saw LOTS of pumpkins! First we looked in the barn and saw pumpkins on the hay wagon. We all got to sit on the hay wagon in the middle of the pumpkins. Miss Stephanie told us there used to be hundreds of pumpkins on there, but most of them were sold. Then we got to sit on the John Deere tractor and pretend we were pulling the hay wagon! After that, we looked at the pumpkins sitting outside the barn and took a picture there too. Then we ran into the pumpkin patch and saw pumpkins still growing on vines. We learned that after the vines start growing yellow flowers start blooming. Underneath the flowers little green fruit starts forming. Even though it kind of looks like watermelon, we learned that the little green fruit turns into BIG orange pumpkins! After we were done exploring the pumpkin patch, we were each allowed to find one pumpkin to bring back. We learned NOT to carry them by the stem, because then it can break. We carried our pumpkins like babies (from underneath).
When we got back to school, we painted our pumpkins! Some of us painted our pumpkins all one color. Others of us put all the colors onto every part of our pumpkin! Others painted their pumpkins and then painted faces on them. We are excited to let them dry over the weekend and then bring them home Monday and Tuesday!
We had a lot of fun at the pumpkin patch! We hope you enjoy our pictures. The slideshow is long, so feel free to skip to the portion that contains your child's class!
Although the pumpkin patch was a blast, we also had a lot of fun this week continuing our castle theme. Check out our newsletter for specific details of the activities we participated in.
One of the activities we really enjoyed this week was the book "We're Going on a Dragon Hunt". Check out Miss Erin's blog to download a copy of the book. She created the book and shared it with us so we could make our own copy. We had a lot of fun guessing who was under the flap and then reading it on our own during work time.
At the computer center this week, we had a couple of fun castle themed online games. Click on the links below to play at home.
Snap Dragon-Same/Different Game
Hatch-Matching Game
Here are pictures of the rest of our fun this week!
(Turn on your sound, this is a fun song!)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Borders Halloween Event
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Visit to Chuck E. Cheese
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Fun in the Castle
This week we also got messy in shaving cream. We had to move the shaving cream around with our hands in order to find pictures taped to the table. Miss Stephanie said, "Find the Pretty Princess" and "Find the Castle". After we found all of the pictures, then she said things like, "Find the one who lives in a stable" and "Find the one who is married to the king". After that, we practiced writing our names in the shaving cream and also writing the letter of the week (E and e). Everyone had fun! Even our friends who were a little unsure about getting messy ended up diving right in!
Here are some videos of castle fun this week. You can see some of us looking at pictures in the books to get an idea of how to build a castle. You can also see some of us playing with the knight action figures!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Chicago Special Parent Magazine
Chicago Parent magazine has now come out with Chicago Special Parent. It's tricky to find a hard copy, but you can read it all online! In addition to the articles, the Special Parent website has some great resource pages. You can visit the site at:
Friday, October 10, 2008
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Enjoy the pictures of our Castle fun.
P.S. If you haven't noticed, Miss Stephanie LOVES to take pictures, so please be patient as some of her slideshows are a bit long!